All On Dental Referral Reward Plan

At All On Dental, we invest in our connections, and their words of mouth are our most significant support & competitive gift. With this plan, we want you to join us on our path to making high-quality and affordable dental treatments available for everyone!


Send your friends our way! If you know someone looking for dental service, looking for a second opinion, or maybe just began collecting information for potential dental treatment in Istanbul. All On Dental proposes the possibility of receiving a referral compensation if the third person (“Referral”) chooses to book their dental treatment with us! The Candidate will receive a reimbursement.

How Referral Reward Plan Works!

1. Who Can Participate

Whether you are a patient of All On Dental or Not, you can refer your beloved ones to All On Dental.

Exceptions: All On Dental employees, All On Dental marketing partners, and staff. Referrals that have already been in touch with All On Dental before the referral, directly inquired, or already benefit from other Bonus programs.

2. How To Refer a Friend

If you happen to know someone looking for dental treatment in Istanbul, do the following:

A) Share the Candidate’s contact information with us or ask the Candidate to reach out to us via: or Please ask the candidate person to mention your name as a referral.

B) The Candidate shall declare the case with the referral code sent to you and share the information with our team.

C) All On Dental will review the case, and you will receive a reply as soon as possible.

3. Referral Plan Regulation

A) If the referral undergoes treatment at the All On Dental clinic, you can receive the referral compensation.

B) You will receive the compensation within 15 days after the Candidate gets treatment.

C) The referral reward system is as follows: For each referral, you will get 15% of the total treatment cost (Gross). Hotel accommodation and transportation services are excluded from the program

D) The Candidate needs to verify the referral and treatment to All On Dental.

E) All On Dental does not specify the number of referrals or payments.

F) All On Dental must be the first point of contact for the referral- they must not have contacted All On Dental or our third parties partners before the referral from you.

For more additional details, please get in touch with us at:
